Infrared space heaters are becoming increasingly popular as an alternative to traditional heaters and it is claimed that there are some distinct advantages to using them. EdenPURE infrared heaters are admittedly quite versatile and cost-effective domestic heating but when deciding between one of these and a new but more traditional heating system, it is worth looking at the relative benefits of each.
Make Proper Use of Ceiling Fans
Infrared heaters are advertised as being ‘healthier’ than traditional heating systems, because they work by giving out ‘negative ion heat’ rather than by simply blowing dry heat into the room. The warmth from an infrared heater initially goes straight to the floor before ascending the walls and reaching the ceiling. This is said to be why they are so effective at warming up an entire room rather than just isolated spaces, such as the areas directly in front or above them. But the same claims can be made for other heating systems, which in some cases can also be used in conjunction with an overhead fan, so that the air is circulated even more efficiently once the heat reaches the ceiling.
A New Heater Installation Will Help
Especially in dry air conditions, a regular heating system can feel as though it is doing little more than blowing hot air around the house, which can result in irritable respiratory conditions and a generally unpleasant atmosphere. But this depends on where the radiators are placed and the general condition of the system. This problem would certainly not occur after the installation of a new heater.
Listen to Experts
You are not necessarily left with a choice of either freezing by opening the windows or of suffering in silence, as infrared enthusiasts like to claim. They say that infrared heaters overcome this problem by heating all the air in a room quickly and that a standard household furnace will often result in bodily aches and pains because of the differential heating of the air, whereas an infrared heater will be better at warming you quickly and avoiding draughts. This however can also be said of other types of popular heating systems so it’s always best to listen to the experts and consider the choices they offer before plunging into the latest fashions. Some dwellings will actually benefit from the installation of a new heater, instead of the sometimes overrated infrared systems.
Adjusting the Thermostat
Many people have tiled flooring and this is a particular problem during the winter months when the house can become noticeably cooler due to draughts blowing through the structure from all directions and the floor in particular suffering drops in temperature. The thermostat often needs to be turned up to 60oF or more to compensate for this, with concomitant increases in already hefty energy bills. It’s perfectly true that with EdenPURE infrared space heaters, thanks to their relative efficiency, the thermostat can be turned right down to more sensible levels, but many owners find that a new heater will do a better job and will be more appropriate for their houses.
Conduct Research
Check out all the facts and options when considering your domestic heating, because all houses and requirements are different.
Contact Horizon Services
If you are ready to install or replace a heater or air conditioner our friendly and experienced team of Comfort Specialists know heating and air conditioning systems inside and out. They’ll take the time to study your home, understand your heating and cooling requirements, show you all of your options and assist you with finding the quality home comfort system that best meets your family’s needs and budget.
Horizon Services guarantee our heating repairs for 2 full years. All of our heating repair technicians have years of experience in the business.